Virtual Symposia
Obesity, Nutrition, and Eating Disorders
Sanjeev Sockalingam, MD, FRCPC, FACLP
Senior Scientist, CMO & VP Education CAMH, Professor & Scientific Director of Obesity Canada
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Ontario, Canada
David Fipps, DO (he/him/his)
Assistant professor of Psychiatry
Mayo clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Richard Yanofsky, MD, FRCPC (he/him/his)
Psychiatrist, University Health Network
University Health Network, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Professor University of Toronto; Deputy Psychiatrist in Chief University Health Network
Univesity of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
In response to the obesity epidemic in North America, there has been an increasing focus on bariatric surgery given its evidence as a durable treatment of severe obesity and associated metabolic comorbidities. In 2022, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) released updated guidelines for bariatric surgery indication after nearly 30 years. These guidelines expanded bariatric care across the age continuum with specific recommendations for children, adolescents, and aging patients. Moreover, the guidelines emphasized the bidirectional nature of mental health and bariatric surgery outcomes. Given the expansion of bariatric surgery indications across the lifespan, and recognition of the value of perioperative mental health care, C-L psychiatrists will need to be able to support patient readiness for surgery and be able to address psychosocial complications post-surgery. This symposium utilizes recent evidence, the ASMBS guidelines, and the presenters’ collective expertise in bariatric surgery psychiatry to provide a clinically relevant update focusing on patients across the age continuum. Each presenter will intertwine classic case presentations into the data driven discussions, with considerations for health equity, issues of race, gender, age (youth vs. elderly), and geographic location (rural vs. urban). Dr. Sockalingam is the Psychosocial Director of the UHN Bariatric Surgery Program and member of the ASMBS Behavioral Health Committee. He will introduce the symposium and briefly review the new ASMSB guideline for indications for bariatric surgery and outline an approach for assessing bariatric surgery readiness from a psychiatric perspective utilizing evidence-based tools and measures. (15 minutes) Dr. Fipps is a C-L and addiction psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic who’s clinical and research focus is on bariatric and transplantation surgery psychiatry. He will discuss the impact of substance use disorders on bariatric surgery outcomes, morbidity, and mortality as well as contributing postoperative pharmacokinetic changes, neuropathology, and strategies to mitigate substance use perioperatively. (20 minutes) Dr. Yanofsky completed a bariatric surgery psychiatry fellowship and has expertise in bariatric surgery psychosocial care and C-L psychiatry programs supporting transitional age youth. He will focus on bariatric surgery psychosocial issues related to transitional age youth and outline management approaches to support patient outcomes for this population. (20 minutes) Dr. Hawa, a C-L Psychiatrist with over a decade of experience in bariatric surgery psychosocial care and is a sleep specialist. He will summarize psychopharmacological modifications and protocols for managing psychiatric treatment after bariatric surgery. (20 minutes) Dr. Sockalingam will summarize the evidence for psychological interventions before and after bariatric surgery to support weight loss, mitigate weight regain and address disordered eating symptoms (10 minutes). Concluding Remarks – 5 minutesLearning Objectives: