Welcome to CLP 2023: Integrating Care and Evidence Across the Lifespan
Though the live meeting has now concluded, registration is still open for the virtual event with 124.50 of Enduring CME credit available. Visit the Registration Information page for details. A link at the top of the page will take you to the registration process.
All meeting recordings are now available online and the Enduring CME claims process is now open until May 15, 2024. Read this email announcement for details and this guide for how to file for Enduring CME credits.
Dear ACLP colleagues,
Each November, ACLP members and other colleagues look forward to gathering to learn, build connections and inspire each other to improve the care of our patients. We are excited to meet again in person in Austin, Texas this November! We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how we connect and learn—for this reason, a strong program of live-streaming offerings and pre-recorded content will be offered to allow for learning at a distance for those who cannot join us in Austin. Whichever mode of engagement you choose, we hope to provide an exciting and thought-provoking learning experience that inspires attendees in their work as educators, clinicians, administrators, and researchers.
Registration for CLP 2023 is offered in two ways:
- In-person/live registration for the conference in Austin, Texas, in November
- Virtual registration to access live-streaming of the conference program
In-person registration includes full virtual program access and content. Please read the Registration page for details on the various packages and what they offer, including an explanation of what our virtual program involves.
Our cancellation policy allows you to convert your in-person registration to a virtual registration with no price penalty, so you won't miss out if your plans change at the last minute. We encourage you to register for the conference with confidence that you'll be able to participate.
Here is a sample of what you will experience at this year's meeting:
- A half-day Updates in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Preconference Course, featuring six speakers discussing updates on current C-L topics, presented free to members who register for the annual meeting
- A new half-day session for Advanced Practice Providers, designed to develop a curriculum to enhance their knowledge and skill set in the field of C-L Psychiatry; although designed for nurse practitioners and physician assistants, all attendees are welcome!
- Multiple optional preconference skills courses that will provide an opportunity for a deeper dive on current issues
- A session explaining the road to certification and maintenance of certification (MOC) presented by four ABPN CLP test committee leaders
- A diverse slate of plenary sessions focused on the meeting theme, bringing together thought leaders to inspire and educate including continuing the tradition of holding a debate which will be focused on somatization disorders
- A new Research Colloquium that will focus on evidence and discovery in C-L followed by special sessions for those who apply and are chosen to meet with mentors to help guide their research ideas and projects
- 200+ scientific posters; 50 oral papers; 40 workshops; 12 virtual symposia
- More networking time and social events to build your connections with C-L professionals: networking lunches, the ever-popular members' welcome reception, and a mixer for all, that also includes time set aside for early-career attendees to have their own time to network
- 26+ Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings
- A location just minutes from the airport as well as all the sights and attractions of Austin, including an exciting outing offered by the Local Arrangements Subcommittee
We look forward to your participation in this challenging and exciting program.
Sejal Shah, MD, FACLP
CLP 2023 Scientific Program Chair