Physician Development Coach
TCU Burnett School of Medicine
Dr. Hurd is a practicing psychiatrist who has working in both inpatient consultation and outpatient collaborative care. In addition to providing high quality patient care, Dr. Hurd is physician development coach for the TCU Burnett School of Medicine. As such she helps mentor, advise, and coach all levels of medical students from novice to beginner. She has spent many years in academic medicine, having been a psychiatry residency training director and clerkship director in previous years. Dr. Hurd believes that education comes in many formats and should fit the need of the learners. She is honored to have presented posters at previous ACLP annual meetings as well as at AMP and APA annual meetings as a way to teach through case reports. Dr. Hurd also co-sponsors several student interest groups at TCU Burnett SOM. In addition, her volunteer efforts are eclectic, from distributing food through the Tarrant Area Food Bank to facilitating groups/discussions at the local "Mental Health for Mommas" events sponsored by a grant at the TCU SOM. Dr. Hurd is a big patient advocate, lobbying the Texas Legislature for increased funding for mental health treatment. She has been married for over 30 years and has two adult children and four lovely fur babies.