Lead Clinical Psychologist
UNM Medical Group- Truman Health
Albuqurque, New Mexico
Dr. Kalupa is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialized experience in clinical work, program development and research related to health psychology in a variety of highly diverse medical and psychiatric populations. She is committed to improving access to care and optimizing engagement with underserved populations, including gender and sexual minorities. She completed PhD in Medical/Clinical Psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda MD, a Clinical Internship in Health Psychology at the University of Florida, and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Health Psychology at the Minneapolis VA- Medical Center. She currently act as Lead Psychologist within an interdisciplinary team at UNM Medical Group that provides integrated behavioral health care within the context of a patient centered medical home (PCMH) for patients living with HIV or who are seeking gender affirming care. Within this role, she receives warm hand offs from primary care providers, performs brief and comprehensive psychological evaluations, collaborates with psychiatric providers, and conducts individual and group psychotherapy. She also provides consultative support and education to primary care providers and trainees and also act as primary supervisor to psychology interns. Historically, she has been involved in development, coordination and consultation related to clinically relevant health psychology research in the areas of eating behavior, obesity, and community based participatory research.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM CST